Friday, September 30, 2016


As promised, another project finished. This time it is my sewing machine cover!! I've always wanted to make one for my sewing machine to protect it from all the dust, I use to just cover it with a random piece of cloth, now it can sit pretty on my desk with its new cover~ 

Pattern: Designed by Sophia Yu
Size: 16" W x 13"H  x 7D"
Beginning Date: 05-21-2015
Completion Date: 09-28-2016

Something new I learned from this project - crazy quilting! It was super fun, I can go on and on on assembling the pieces together. The final result is the front part of the sewing machine cover, which doubles as a pocket for all my rulers and scissors and stuff for easy access!! 

Because there is so many steps to finish this project, it really takes a lot of stamina to see it through. I think that is why it always take me so long to finish a project, I kind of loses steam halfway through, and it will sit in my drawer for quite some time until I dig it out again. It is always the last 20% that takes me the longest to finish, but I am glad I finally did.

So here you have it! Crossing off another project on my way too long to do list!! Now what should I work on next?


  1. Oh Theresa, your skills are improving so very much! This is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Vickie~ It took me a while but I enjoyed every step. It feels really good to see the finished product!!


Thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to leave a comment or feedback. I appreciate them all~
Happy stitching~~
