Thursday, September 5, 2019

Late Again!!

Hello my friends, how was your summer? Mine was busy and awesome!! Lot's of traveling, lot's of fun, but not so much time stitching, hence the delay of my July stitch. Nevertheless, it is done!!!! 

Seven blocks done, five more to go!!

On my trip in July, we went to the beautiful east cost of  Taiwan. It only takes a 30 minute drive from the mountains to the sea. We hiked along the magnificent Taroko Gorge, then head to the sea for some sunshine.

This beach is made of pebbles!! Walking on it bare foot is very "interesting".....  

Things are calming down now heading into September, and I should have more time to stitch. Hopefully I can catch up with my blocks soon!!! Thanks for visiting~ 


Thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to leave a comment or feedback. I appreciate them all~
Happy stitching~~
