Monday, September 17, 2012

New Start!!

Hello my darling friends, how was your weekend? I was very fortunate to win the traveling pattern from Ellen!!! This is such a cute design that I just couldn’t resist entering!!!! Although it traveled from Singapore, it arrived very quickly – WAY faster then my shipments…. I wanted to start it right away, but all my supplies are still in my shipment boxes. Good news is, the shipping company FINALLY called and told me that my stuff will arrive this Friday!! That was such a good news, not only because I’ll be able to get my stitching supplies, but also my fall/winter clothes, as the temperature has started to fall lately. We only brought summer clothes with us and it is getting chilly at night now. We could really use some light jackets~


I also just started a new job which came very unexpectedly!!! Since there are still so many things to take care of in our new place, I didn’t plan on getting back to work so quickly. I haven’t been working for quite a while now, so there is still lots to get use to. Hopefully I’ll be able to get into a routine soon!!! Thank you all for checking in on me~~

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Stitching Update

Can you believe it’s September already? Seasons is a strange thing. One day it was still hot like summer, once we enter September, you can feel the temperature at night dropping, and fall is in the air. It’s actually a nice relief to me, as I’m still trying to get use to the hot and humid island weather~ This is a dried up rice field I passed the other day, just thought the pattern is pretty cool!!


Nothing much to repost, still waiting on our shipment from the US, still working on the Mystery Sampler… I wasn’t sure about the flower color before, but it has grown on me after stitching it.


I just noticed today that my bolgoversary has came and gone!!!! It has been four years since I started this blog and now entering the fifth year!!!! I want to thank you all for visiting my little corner~ Your support and comments have meant a lot to me!! Hope to see you around for another five years~ Happy stitching!!